I just love seeing the raised eyebrows and nodding approval of installers when the realisation moment hits them and they comprehend just what uControl can do. Especially as it's a value-added, included feature of every MHUB matrix system. uControl has a thoughtfully-designed user interface that not only controls the MHUB but also the functions connected sources and displays together into a simple, consistent user experience.
uControl transforms the MHUB product from being a dumb video switch to being powerful whole-home AV system the delivers slick, fully-controllable, unified room-to-room entertainment - all from a single brand right out of the box. Because of uControl, MHUB has no necessary reliance on third-party add-on control systems to bring it to life. uControl puts ‘u’ in Control and furthermore, no other “matrix” brand can currently offer such a stylish, comprehensive and capable software and hardware solution for simplifying the installation, management and use of a multizone AV distribution system with such unrivalled ease.
HDANYWHERE has evolved the uControl platform to include adding value to integrators too, helping them achieve more in less time and cost.

uControl helps integrators:
- set up an entire HDA system (from the smallest to the largest and everything from network and HDA Cloud connectivity to EDID management, device control and even Sequences) off just their mobile
- troubleshoot and verify the installation for commissioning and handover
- manage system functioning and integration (before and after handover)
- deliver a comprehensive but simple end-user control experience with minimum time and cost budgets (rather spend the available budget where it counts and deliver better value)
- automate key and regular system functions with single button presses and/or voice activation*, helping end-users enjoy peace of mind and their content without needing to be “tech savvy”
All of this from a zero-additional cost and zero-programming platform with all IR hardware already supplied with each MHUB. HDANYWHERE are renowned for their powerful 3rd-party, deep integration drivers that can even deliver capabilities some of the best control brands don’t otherwise have without an MHUB, but the most seamless and powerful control of ANY MHUB-powered system is still from uControl.

Do this exercise:
What would it cost (excl labour, cables, speakers and displays) to deliver 8 video and audio zones of home entertainment with the ability to
- call audio from any HDMI source or 4 audio-only sources and also ARC from any display, downmixed to stereo to play through an amplifier to loudspeakers in any zone?
- overlay audio from any HDMI or audio-only sources with any video content being routed to a zone?
- deliver up to 18Gbps 4K to up to 100m with managed downscaling for every video output?
- deliver 10/100 ethernet to every zone?
- included app control of all sources, TV’s and the multizone amplifier(s) connected to the MHUB and all possible video and audio routing combinations (incl ARC from any display)?
- (almost) infinite number of sequences, each with an (almost) unlimited number of commands to simplify daily system operation for the end-user?
- simple integration of one Alexa voice interface into any zone for seamless voice control of the system, including triggering any of the Sequences created in the MHUB?
Put a number and device count to this from Brands X, Y and even Z, then compare those numbers to the price of an MHUB PRO 2.0 (8x8) 100 + two MHUB AUDIO amplifiers …. HDANYWHERE are confident you won’t find anything offering at least everything mentioned in the list above for a better price, with only three devices required in the rack and around 30 minutes of setup time (even from a mobile phone, no less?).
A lot of AV matrix manufacturers have an app now, but they don’t have an app akin to uControl. They’re are not the comprehensive, expandable and free control and automation experience (designed entirely with end-user and integrator ease-of-use in mind) that is uControl.
Why not check it out for yourself. There’s no need to actually own an MHUB. Download uControl onto your Android or iOS mobile or tablet now and take it for a test drive in Demo Mode.